Mass Media Accreditation Rules

Dear Mass Media representatives!

Thank you for your interest to the VI Congress of Russian Pediatric Oncology and specific issues of pediatric oncology. You are welcome to attend all the Congress sessions and freely communicate with the participants/ attendees. If necessary, we can arrange interviews with experts in your areas of interest.

The Congress will be attended by government officials, representatives of charitable organizations and voluntary service organizations, and also by public figures. For information regarding persons, included in our ever-growing list of the Congress Guests of Honor, please call the telephone number, allocated for the purpose of Mass Media accreditation.

For any further information regarding accreditation and arrangement of interviews, please, contact Lilya Drambyan.

Phone: +7 (495) 374 85 62

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При реализации проекта в 2022 году используются средства государственной поддержки, выделенные в качестве гранта в соответствии с распоряжением Президента Российской Федерации от 05.04.2016 № 68-рп и на основании конкурса, проведенного Общероссийской общественной организацией «ЛИГА ЗДОРОВЬЯ НАЦИИ».